The second time seeing Rush in college – I’m pretty sure Bert was with me again.
According to Rush: Wandering the Face of the Earth, Neil was riding his bicycle around Richmond before the show.
Ticket stub:
The second time seeing Rush in college – I’m pretty sure Bert was with me again.
According to Rush: Wandering the Face of the Earth, Neil was riding his bicycle around Richmond before the show.
Guns N’ Roses might have been the biggest rock band on the planet at the time. The show would have been even better had Use Your Illusion been released before the tour so we knew the new songs, but it was still a great show. Too bad there was no encore due to a curfew and Skid Row playing an encore delaying the start of Guns N’ Roses’s set. I have a video of the show and it’s outstanding.
I can’t remember whether I volunteered or I was volunteered, but I ended up helping pack up after the show, and at some point I had a snare drum head and a stick from drummer. It sparked a lifelong fandom of Kevn Kinney, and a firm decision to never be a roadie again.
In 1991 I was in LA with my family on Spring Break, and we got tickets to the Tonight Show, hoping to get Johnny, but we got Jay Leno. I remember the Pet Shop Boys covering U2, but I didn’t realize that one of them had walked off stage in the middle of the song, and I didn’t remember Jim Carrey being there until I saw the clip (and how awkward it was to watch what Shelley Winters was saying next to my mom). From Literaly (Pet Shop Boys Fan club magazine): “During the first song (“Where The Streets …”) Chris noticed -watching a monitor showing the broadcast -that he hadn’t appeared on camera once and, understandably miffed, walked off during the song. The people from the TV show refused to re-shoot the song and so the Pet Shop Boys refused to play their second song.”
The first show I saw at college. It’s sure easy to go see a band when they’re playing in your gym.
I was living at college nearby in Ashland, so Richmond made more sense than Landover. I know Bert (fraternity brother and friend) went. Mr. Big was my favorite band that opened for Rush (they didn’t have openers after the 1994 tour).
According to Rush: Wandering the Face of the Earth, Playboy bunnies served refreshments during the show (The Presto album and tour featured rabbits).
I bought 2 tickets, but no one was interested. Eventually I took Joppa’s (a fraternity brother) girlfriend (Molly?). We were way up in RFK, but The Who played Tommy and all their hits, so I was happy.
I could drive by this point, and I think this was the show I remember standing in line at Hecht’s to buy tickets from the Ticket Center there. Not good seats, unimpressive opener.
According to Rush: Wandering the Face of the Earth, Geddy had been suffering from laryngitis and they’d canceled a show two days earlier.
My friend Tamer returned the favor, driving to Baltimore in a white van with a busted speedometer. I remember having to piss in an alley after we parked more than I remember the show.
According to Rush: Wandering the Face of the Earth, Marillion was supposed to open but canceled.
The third and last show my dad attended (well, except for Beach Boys shows much later). I’d talked up his ticket getting power, but now he wasn’t first in line and buying more tickets, so we were not in the third row. Besides me and my dad, the only friend and classmate I remember going with us was Tamer (later drummer in emmet swimming). I was unfamiliar with the Steve Morse Band, but impressed, especially with Rod.
According to Rush: Wandering the Face of the Earth, Geddy & Alex “hooked arms and swung each other around in circles.”